Sunday, September 21, 2014

Alligator Eggs

My first children's book, Alligator Eggs: Sara's Wildlife Adventure has been published and will be shipped to me in October. I can't wait to open the box and see the title with my name Stephanie Steele as author. The book is dedicated to my late niece, Sara Elizabeth Steele. It's about a young wildlife biologist and her first adventure in the wild. Please visit in order to stay abreast of all the happenings surrounding this wonderful endeavor!

Being an Alumni of Florida A & M University's CESTA program is very important to this endeavor. I would have never gotten into the field of wildlife biology had it not been for my education received at FAMU. Transferring to the University of Florida only enhanced my drive for the field of natural resources. I am so grateful to have found my niche in this life.

Stay tuned for more coming your way soon.

Stephanie Renee Steele